Cerro Santa Lucia
While walking towards the city center one morning, I chanced upon the Cerro Santa Lucia, a beautifully decorated hill of greenery and sculpture. As I stepped through the entrance gates, I was greeted by two highly-detailed statues of a boy and a girl...as well as a guard.
It was a good-sized hill, by Singaporean standards, and was slightly bigger than Fort Canning, by my estimate. A network of cobblestone pavements and rough pathways hewn directly from the rock led around and up the hill.
Every now and then, one would come across a statue in the Gothic, Greco-Roman, or a contemporary style. Although it seemed like whoever designed the layout couldn't make up his mind about what style to use, the statues were still a nice complement to the surroundings; petrified figures in the midst of lush foliage with leaves swaying gently in the breeze make for a serene setting.
Right: Looks like vandals are frequent visitors here.

Paseo Ahumada/Plaza de Armas
Picking up where I left off, I continued on towards the city center. It was crowded that day, and I was stopped by a policeman who, in response to my 'No hablo Espanol', made a gesture that I should wind my camera cord around my hand so as to prevent snatch theft. Amusing. Someone who would try snatching something from me must have a deathwish. Anyway, the place was a shopper's haven. There were shops everywhere selling an incredible variety of goods. Having forgotten to bring some cash with me, I decided to return the next day.
Yes, those are real flowers you see. Arranged in a donkey-cart and left on the same street as decoration.
Right: A dingy little pushcart stall in front of an old classical-looking building.
At noon the next day, I had a quick lunch and was off to the city once again. This time, I ventured into the Plaza de Armas, a huge square in the midst of bustling city activity. There were makeshift stalls selling paintings on the square when I arrived. The artwork ranged from detailed still-life studies to dreamlike impressionistic ones.
Right: It's still early in the day. This place will be thronged later in the afternoon.
Left: Another view of the plaza. See that grand building on the left? I'm guessing it's some military or police building, because there are always guards in uniform outside the door.
Left: Man feeding pigeons. They are a lot less shy with humans here.
Left: A corridor on one side of the plaza, lined with snack stalls. Reminds me of a hawker center.
Right: There is always something happening at the plaza. Here, a band of clowns are parodying the marriage solemnization ceremony.
I left the plaza by way of the Ahumada street, a veritable commercial hotspot. It was crowded with people in business suits, people in slacks, the young, the old, the trendy, the nerdy... Feeling in need of a snack and remembering that all my food was being paid for, I walked into this gelataria and got myself a tasty treat which cost only slightly more than 1 USD.
You take beautiful pictures, as always :) Glad to see you're enjoying Chile... and Chilean wine I'm sure!
My thanks for your compliments. I hope life in Singapore has been treating you well.
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